BuzzFeed - From Marvel Studios' highs to Sony Pictures' lows, from Scarlett Johannsson kicking butt to Adam Sandler bombing out, here are the highlights and lowlights in the movies this year. Alice Mongkongllite for BuzzFeed To say this has been a bad year for Hollywood is a bit like saying the outgoing Congress had some small disagreements. So let's reach into the thesaurus for some better bad words: It's been awful. Horrific. Abysmal. And that is setting aside (for the moment) the December denouement that was the Sony Pictures/The Interview debacle, the Bryan Singer scandal, the renewal of the Woody Allen scandal, the continued decline of original studio movies, and the unabated commercial primacy of Michael Bay. Based on figures from Box Office Mojo, Hollywood has not seen ticket sales this low since 1989. That measurement may fluctuate a bit as final numbers for the year trickle in. But rather than some one-time aberration, 2014 represents the latest low mark in a downwa